SUPERIOR Accredited Master of Management Study Program from BAN-PT



Tuesday, 07 December 2021     View: 6583

Gen Z Determines the Success of 'Society 5.0'

Quoted from Radar Surabaya - The KEY to improving the economy in Indonesia in the future is determined by Generation Z. Generation Z is a human being born in 1996 to the 2000s, and belongs to a group of young people who have a myriad of innovative creative ideas and live with technology. Economic development in Indonesia must continue to develop during these difficult conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, economic development is not only on a national scale but also on an international scale.

According to the professor of Indonesian marketing, Hermawan Kartajaya said, "I believe that the Indonesian economy, like Nike, will decline in 2020, so the government must step in." Nike's logo with a tick is likened to the current state of the economy due to COVID-19, the logo which has the meaning of relief, recovery and rise positions. In the context of relief towards recovery, it is necessary for the government to play a role in assisting improvement by enacting applicable laws, policies and regulations for changes in economic activities on a national and international scale. Improvements can also be made with the help of investment by the private sector which applies on the basis of the Job Creation Act. This condition benefits all generations, especially Generation Z, who have experienced difficulties during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Generation Z at this time and in the next 10 years will determine the success of the economy on a large scale, this generation in 2025-2030 will begin to be productive in carrying out performance and making money. , so that the economy increases not only on a national scale but on an international scale. Indonesia is very fortunate because its economic development is driven by Generation Z who has high enthusiasm and innovation. The pandemic period that has been passed until now can be called a postnormal condition, making Indonesia previously doing things offline and turning to online. Of course, in the future, all countries will experience a post-normal state, where the state of online and offline merging is no longer able to be offline without being online.


Nastiti Wahyu Pristanti
Dito Ahead of Maulana
Master of Management Student at UHW Perbanas Surabaya

Published on Radar Surabaya, read more here

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