SUPERIOR Accredited Master of Management Study Program from BAN-PT


Check out the story of the National Seminar on the Challenges and Opportunities of the Digital Economy in Indonesia....

Monday, 30 August 2021     View: 3823

The Postgraduate Student Association together with the Master of Management study program at the University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas held a National Seminar with the theme of Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital Economy in Indonesia on Saturday, August 28, 2021 at 14.00 WIB. This seminar activity invited three extraordinary speakers with various expertise, namely Dr. I Nyoman Ardhiarna (Director of Digital Economy, Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia), Ariyono Setiawan, ST., MT (Creative Entrepreneurs) and Dr. Ronny, S.Kom., M.Kom., MH (Researcher in ITE and E-Commerce UHW Perbanas).

In this activity, Mr. I Nyoman delivered material on the Ministry of Communication and Informatics' digital priority policy framework and programs. Mr. I Nyoman said that currently the use of digital technology must be applied to various sectors including the agricultural sector. In addition, Beliu also conveyed several rules or regulations related to information technology applications. The extraordinary material was then welcomed with material from Mr. Ariyono as a creative business actor who has utilized digital technology. Beliu also said that MSMEs + Social Media were the perfect combination and MSMEs could survive the pandemic. The interesting discussion was closed with material from Mr. Ronny who discussed the protection and strengthening of the digital economy in Indonesia. Strengthening the digital economy can be done by increasing security, providing education and information quality, coaching & monitoring, certification and law enforcement.

This national seminar was attended by various groups, namely from S2 students, S1 students. Lecturers, MSME actors, and the general public from various institutions in Indonesia. Participants who took part in this activity were approximately 239 participants. In addition, this activity is lively because many participants ask questions and the best questions will get door prizes from the committee. (TDP)

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