UHW Perbanas Lecturer Launches E-Business Finance Application for Kampung Kue Rungkut Surabaya

Saturday, 09 October 2021     View: 6499

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) are the government's concern in restoring the Indonesian economy. Various MSME actors are innovating so that their products are increasingly recognized and get maximum turnover during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is what the producer of Kampung Kue Rungkut Surabaya has also done, which is located at Jalan Rungkut Lor Gg II Surabaya. His party collaborated with the IbM Grant Implementation Team at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Surabaya to organize E-Business Finance training in the form of website and smartphone-based applications.

Head of the IbM UHW Perbanas Grant Team, Dr. Diah Ekaningtyas, S.E., M.Sc., said this activity aims to help and facilitate the producers of Kampung Kue Rungkut in managing digital-based businesses. The E-Business Finance application combines various producer needs, ranging from product information, sales transactions, to daily reporting for each manufacturer and each product.

“We have prepared an application and a website for Kampung Kue Rungkut that can be easily accessed by anyone to order cake products. Later management will be fully handed over to the Association with Laptop and Mobile facilities from the Perbanas UHW Grant Team," explained Diah on the sidelines of E-Business Finance Management Training and Practice at the Producers of Kampung Kue Rungkut Surabaya on Saturday, October 9, 2021.

He continued, online business innovations that were granted to SMEs, especially the producers of Kampung Kue Rungkut were expected to be able to provide solutions in an effort to increase turnover. In addition, through the E-Business Finance Application, they are able to run a business independently as a means of business development in Kampung Kue Rungkut Surabaya. "The big hope is, of course there will be an increase in their turnover, especially during this pandemic. Then, as their competence (business actors) increases, hopefully the vision as a culinary and educational village can soon be realized in the city of Surabaya, "he hoped.

It is important to note that the IbM Grant team of the Ministry of Research, Technology and BRIN Lecturers at UHW Perbanas, including: Dr. Diah Ekaningtyas, S.E., M.Sc., Dr. Supriyati, S.E. M.Sc., and Mochamad Nurhadi, S.Kom., M.M. On the website https://kampungkuesby.com/ there is detailed information about the village cake product. In addition, consumers can also place orders online just like shopping in a marketplace. For village cake managers, this website also provides a process to facilitate online transactions and get real-time transaction reports. In fact, monthly reports are easy to access, ranging from favorite products, financial transactions, to order reports.

Meanwhile, one of the producers of Kampung Kue Rungkut, Khoirul Mahpuduah, admitted that the E-Business Finance application really helped him in managing cake orders which had been done conventionally. "We hope that from this activity, sales of Kampung Kue products will increase, its reach will be wider, and it can also target the upper middle class," hoped the owner of Pawoon Kue. (eko/PR)

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