
Vision and Mision


To become a leading Faculty of Engineering and Design that has excellence in the field of business technology with a global outlook.

The vision above can be shortened to "Leading, Excellent and Global" which has the following meaning.

  1. Leading means that as a higher education institution, the Faculty of Engineering and Design aspires to be a leading faculty in the implementation of education, research and community service.
  2. Competitive advantage in the field of business technology is a specific advantage that distinguishes the Faculty of Engineering and Design at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University from similar faculties from other universities (PT) and is able to make Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University a superior PT.
  3. Having a global outlook means that the Faculty of Engineering and Design in organizing education aspires to produce graduates (both in terms of academics and character), innovative works, carry out community service activities, cooperation and implement a globally oriented management system that allows it to compete in a life that is competitive and with a very high degree of interdependence between nations (global). Graduates of the Faculty of Engineering and Design are expected to be able to excel not only at the domestic and national levels, but also at the Southeast Asian and international regional levels. Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering and Design at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University are required to be able to produce research work, community service and other innovative works that receive national and international recognition.



  1. Developing students who are able to become business leaders who have excellence in the science of technology and design in the field of business with integrity, professionalism and global insight.
  2. Producing quality research and community service works in the field of information technology and design to improve the welfare of society.
  3. Establishing national and international cooperation with stakeholders for sustainable tridharma of higher education activities.
  4. Realizing faculty governance that refers to good university governance management.



1. To produce graduates who:

  • Master and able to apply concepts and theories in informatics, information systems and visual communication design;
  • Apply these concepts and theories in the world of practice with a global outlook;
  • Analyze and provide suggestions for solving problems in the business field by utilizing information systems and other supporting technologies;
  • Have a friendly, communicative attitude, leadership spirit and strong personality to support success in social life while upholding the professional code of ethics.

2. To produce knowledge through research and disseminate it through quality community service that is beneficial for the welfare of society in general.

3. Establish cooperation with domestic and foreign agencies.

4. Realizing healthy management governance, which is based on the culture and values of the Engineering and Design Faculty so as to create a dynamic, friendly and friendly academic atmosphere.


Competitive Advantage___

The competitive advantage of the Faculty of Engineering and Design at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University is to produce graduates who are experts in the fields of information technology and visual communication design to advance MSMEs and can improve the branding of the city of Surabaya and its surroundings towards a smart city.

The Leading Business and Banking School

Kampus Wonorejo : Jl. Wonorejo Utara 16 Rungkut, Surabaya
Kampus Nginden    : Jl. Nginden Semolo 34-36, Surabaya

Telp. (031) 5947151, (031) 5947152, (031) 87863997
Fax. (031)-87862621 WhatsApp (chat) 
Email: humas@perbanas.ac.id atau humas@hayamwuruk.ac.id

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