Lecturer Profile

Nur Suci Mei Murni

 Dr. Dra. Nur Suci IMM., Ak., MM., CA
 Assistant Professor
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# Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Airlangga (1989)
  2. Master of Management-Banking, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Airlangga (1998)
  3. Doctor in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Indonesia (2022)
# Professional Certification
  1. Certificate of passing training for companion in the process of halal products (2023)
  2. Certificate Sharia Supervisory Board for BMT and sharia cooperatives (2019)
  3. Educator certificate by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (2012)
# Professional Training
  1. Halal product process companion training by The organizing body for halal product guarantees, the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. (2023)
  2. Training for Trainer on  Islamic capital market modules by OJK and IAEI (2021)
  3. Training for Trainers on Mosque Accounting with MAS Software by the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (2020)
  4. Training for Sharia Supervisory Board for BMT and Sharia Cooperatives (2019)
# Professional Experiences
  1.  Member of Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI)
  2. Member of Indonesian Association of Economics Scholars  (ISEI)
# Organizational experience
  1. Auditor External (1988 – 1991)
  2. Secretary accounting department STIE Perbanas Surabaya (1991-1995)
  3. Head of accounting department STIE Perbanas Surabaya (1996-2004)
  4. Management of IAI Sharia Compartment (2005)
# Expertise
  1. Advanced Accounting
  2. Bank Accounting and Risk Management
  3. Syariah Accounting and Bank Syariah Accounting
  4. Accounting and management of Good Corporate Governance Conventional and Sharia
# Award & Recognition
  1. Banking training instructor for BPR directors by Perbarindo and Bank Indonesia (2003-2007)
# Publication
  1. Nur Suci IMM., (2011). Paradigma of Accounting Knowledge, going Concern and Asymetry Information of Accounting in Traditional Market. Prosiding, Economic Research Symposium V, UPN Surabaya.
  2. Ika Wahyuningsih, Nur Suci IMM., (2012). Accounting Treatment Of Hajj Savings At Mega Syariah Bank In Surabaya. The Indonesian Accounting Review. Vol. 13 No. 1, April 2012, ISSN: 2085-7381, Accreditation No. 110/Dikti/Kep/2012
  3. Nur Suci IMM., (2013). Case-Based Islamic Banking Accounting Learning Method (Case Based Learning). Proceedings, National Conference on Indonesian Accounting Education.FEB Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
  4. Nur Suci IMM., (2014). Prediction Bankrupcty: Theme, Models and Platform Research. 3th International Conference in social Science, Health and environment (ICOSSHE).
  5. Nur Suci IMM., (2016). Analysis of the Effect of Financial Ratios to Predict Financial Distress Conditions of Islamic Banks in Indonesia using the logit model. Proceedings, National Symposium on Accounting XIX, Universitas Lampung.
  6. Nila Sari, Nur Suci IMM., (2017). Analysis of the Effect of Third Party Fund, Capital Adequace Ratio, and Loan to Deposit Ratio on Bank’s Profitability After the Application of IFRS,. Journal The Indonesian Accounting Review, Februari 2017
  7. Fadhilah Amelinda, Nur Suci IMM., (2018). Factors That Influence the Revaluation of Fixed Assets in Manufacturing Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2014-2017. Journal The Indonesian Accounting Review, Juni 2018
  8. Nur Suci IMM., (2019). The Relatoinship between Capital, Efficiency, Size and Profitability on Syariah Bank in Indonesia. 2nd International Conference on Business, Economics and Finance (ICBEF) 2019, Univercity Brunei Darusalam.
  9. Nur Suci IMM., (2019). Effect of Risk, Capital, GCG, Efficiency on Financial Performance at Islamic Banks  in Indonesia. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM), Volume 7 Issue 3 May-June 2022.
  10. Afian, Nur Suci IMM., (2022). Factors Influencing Student Learning Achievement in Introductory Accounting Subjects (studies on Perbanas Surabaya UHW Accounting Undergraduate Students). Sibatik Journal, Scientific journal in the Field of Socio-Economic Culture, Technology and Education.
  11. Gilang Ramadhan, Nur Suci I.Mei Murni (2023). The Effect Of CR, DER, ROA And FATO Ratios On Earnings Quality In Service Subsector Companies Listed On The Indonesian Stock Exchange In 2018-2021. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 4(5) 2023 : 3599-3609
  12. Diyah Pujiati, Rezza Arlinda S, Riski Aprillia Nita, Nur Suci IMM, Alifah Ridwan, Shella Imania (2023). How To Measure Intangible Assets And Fair Value At Banks. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM), Volume 8 Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2023, P.P. 27-32 ISSN: 2456-4559
  13. Finolia Wahyu G.R., Nur Suci Mei Murni, (2023). Analysis of the influence of size, capital adequacy ratio, loan to deposit ratio, non performing Loan on the Profitability of Commercial Banks Registered at OJK. Enrichment: Journal of Management, Vol.13 (1).
Dra. Nur Suci Mei Murni, Ak., M.M., CA.
Jabatan Akademik: Asisten Ahli
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