Newsletter for Cooperation Affairs
VOLUME 1: 2022/2023
Newsletter of Cooperation and International Office of UHWP, Issue 1 (Sep-Nov 2022): CLICK HERE
Newsletter of Cooperation and International Office of UHWP, Issue 2 (Des 2022 - Feb 2023): CLICK HERE
Newsletter of Cooperation and International Office of UHWP, Issue 3 (Mar-Mei 2023): CLICK HERE
Newsletter of Cooperation and International Office of UHWP, Issue 4 (Jun-Ags 2023): CLICK HERE
VOLUME 2: 2023/2024
Newsletter of Cooperation and International Office of UHWP, Issue 1 (Sep-Nov 2023): CLICK HERE
Kampus Wonorejo : Jl. Wonorejo Utara 16 Rungkut, Surabaya
Kampus Nginden : Jl. Nginden Semolo 34-36, Surabaya
Telp. (031) 5947151, (031) 5947152, (031) 87863997
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Email: atau