Dr.Muhammad Mufti Mubarok,S.H,S.Sos, MSi
Associate Professor
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Email: muftimubarok99@gmail.com
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# Formal Education
- Associate’s Degree Systems Analyst, Industrial Engineering Systems Analyst Program ITS, Surabaya (1994-1996)
- Bachelor of Mass Communication Science, STIKOSA AWS, Surabaya (1992-1996)
- Bachelor of Laws, Universitas Kartini, Surabaya (2013-2017)
- Master of Management Science, Postgraduate Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya (2000-2003)
- Postgraduate of Development Studies, Postgraduate Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya (2004-2010)
# Professional Training
- Technical guidance for experts of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (August 1-4 2015)
- Technical guidance for Regional House of Representatives East Java (June 1-3 2015)
- SNK Formulation Team PPAD, FKPPI (February-May 2018)
- PKPA PERADI (May 2-24 2018)
- Economic studies in Türkiye (2021)
# Professional Experiences
- Director of the Institute For Development and Economic (IDE) (2015-Now)
- Director of the Center for Land Studies and Advocacy (PUKAT) (2015-Now)
- Director of the Regional Survey Institute (LeSuRe) (2015-Now)
- Vice Chairman in Banking of Chambers of Commerce and Industry East Java (2017-2021)
- Vice Chairman of National Consumer Protection Agency of the Republic of Indonesia-BPKN RI (2020-2023)
- Vice Chairman of Government and State-Owned Enterprises of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Indonesia (2021-2026)
- Community Economic Development Commission o f Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI Center) (2021-2026)
# Organizational Experiences & Recognation
- Chairman of the Board of Experts of DPP of the State Apparatus Performance Monitoring Institute State (LPKAN) (2015-Now)
- Chief Caregiver of Bumi Langit Islamic Boarding School, Sidoarjo (2016-Now)
- Chairman of Association of Indonesian Integrated Online Head Societies (HIMKOTI) (2018-2020)
- Chairman of Indonesian Online Press Association (Hipoli) (2018-2020)
- Chairman of Association of Sugar Traders and Farmers Indonesia (APPGI) (2022-Now)
- MEK Member of Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (2022-2026)
# Expertise
- Economy Studies
- Sharia and Islamic Studies
- Political Opinion writer
- Book author
# Award & Recognition
- MURI Record for The Longest Prayer in Lapindo Mud, (2014)
- MURI Record for Handling the most cases in the housing sector (2019)
- Best Participant of Indonesian’s National Resilience Institute (2014)
- MURI Record for Handling the most cases in the financial services sector (2021)
# Publications
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2011). Analysis of several factors that affect the price earnings ratio company (Case Study of Financial Institutions and Real Estate on the Indonesia Stock Exchange). Neo Bis Jurnal Berkala Ekonomi, Vol. 5 No. 2 p. 156-171.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2018). The effect of brand image and consumer attitudes on the decision to purchase Batik Jetis Sidoarjo mediated by intent to buy. Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura, Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 105 – 116
- Mubarok, Muhammad., Daeng. (2019). Empiric Empirical Study the Impacts of Competitive Strategies to Institutes Organizational Innovation in Batik Crafters Association of East Java. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, Vol. 8, Issue 07.
Mubarok, Muhammad. (2020). Effect of Employee Performance and Education office licensing services to the satisfaction of the Education Institution Education Institutions in Sidoarjo Regency. Jurnal ekonomika45.
Mubarok, Muhammad. (2020). A proposal for Contributing banking credit to increase food security in Indonesia. Journal internasional Economic and Business, and Accountancy Ventura.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2020). The Impact of Private Investment in the Improvement of Social Welfare Through Economic Growth and Labor Absorption, Link: https://giapjournals.com/hssr/article/.
Mubarok, Muhammad. (2022). The Mapping of Electronic Commerce Issues and Consumer Protection Policy in Indonesia. Journal internasional Economic and Business, and Accountancy Ventura.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2015). Jokowi JK, Dari jari jari ke Janji janji. Publisher: Reform Media.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2019). The power Of UMKM JP 2019 Enonomi Managerial. Publisher: JP Books.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2019). Santrinawas Novel. Publisher: JP Books.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2019). The rise of start-ups. Publisher: JP Books.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2019). Sang Buya Jendral Fahrur Rozi. Publisher: JP Books.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2019). Madrasah above the clouds. Publisher: JP Books.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2019). UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Pro-export. Publisher: JP Books.
- Mubarok, Muhammad. (2020). UMKM naik kelas (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises goes upmarket). Publisher: JP Books.