SUPERIOR Accredited Master of Management Study Program from BAN-PT


Latest Report Illegal Pinjol Webinar is rife, How is Consumer Protection?

Tuesday, 21 December 2021     View: 3456


The Master of Management Study Program regularly organizes webinars with various updated themes. On Saturday, December 18, 2021, a Webinar with the theme Illegal Loans is rife, How is Consumer Protection? With resource persons who are experts in the field, namely Dr. M. Mufti Mubarok, S.H., MSi. The resource person's background is extraordinary who is currently also the Deputy Chairperson of the National Consumer Protection Agency. This activity was guided by Mr. Dr. Ronny, S.Kom., M.Kom., MH who is the Secretary of the Master of Management Study Program as well as a well-known ITE Expert.

The material presented by Mr. Mufti was very interesting, starting with discussing the Legal Basis, Position and Responsibilities of the National Consumer Protection Agency, consumer protection guidelines, Legal Protection for Consumers in Online Loan Agreements and other very interesting materials and providing knowledge so as not to be caught in illegal lending. . The message that was very impressed by Mr. Mufti before ending his material was that it is wise to borrow through online loans, distinguish between needs and wants to borrow for productive things. After the material was recommended with a question and answer session as well as a little explanation from Mr. Ronny regarding illegal online loans where the public must be careful not to become victims of irresponsible illegal Pinjol.

The enthusiasm of the participants in this webinar was extraordinary because the discussion was very useful and interesting. The questions asked by participants were very diverse and of course added knowledge to wisely use online loans. Participants who take part in this webinar are very diverse, starting from undergraduate students, postgraduate students, lecturers, and the general public. There were 130 participants who attended virtually and received positive responses. (TDP)

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